The people behind the news

Our specialty is the intersection of business, technology, and government, with a special focus on the regulatory sphere. We provide daily coverage of breaking news and longer-form features about the wireless, wireline, broadcast and streaming sectors, as well as digital advertising, privacy, copyright and other Internet-related issues.

This is Paul Park’s second venture into covering the telecom and broadcasting sectors. He spent five years with our predecessor company Decima Publishing, concentrating on the telecom sector. After studying at Carleton University, Paul began a long career in journalism, writing either as staffer or freelance for most of the major media outlets in North America, including Time Inc., The Winnipeg Sun, the CBC, the New York Journal of Commerce and the Village Voice. This is also his second stint as a member of the Parliamentary Press Gallery as he was a member in the 1970s and 1980s, “back when we had Prime Minister Trudeau.” Paul, his partner Debbie and their cat Mozart live in Nepean.    

Jenna Cocullo is a reporter of The Wire Report. She joined the publication in 2021, almost two years following the start of her career covering community news in Prince Rupert, B.C., and Chatham-Kent, ON. She also worked in Blantyre, Malawi, writing a weekly column for its national newspaper on the intersection of gender and politics, and interned at The Monitor magazine with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. She did her Master's of Journalism at Carleton University in Ottawa after growing up in Montreal where she studied Communications and Anthropology.    


Phalen Tynes-MacDonald has been a reporter for The Wire Report since 2023. Hailing from Halifax, this Maritimer's unique perspective has been cultivated through an upbringing around the world, with his travels taking him to Korea, Malawi, China, and many other countries in between. After graduating from Carleton University's journalism program — where he contributed to several publications including Capital Current, The Charlatan, and the Ottawa Citizen — he worked as a journalist and producer for Down to the Wire Studios. Even when he's not on the beat, you'll find him chasing stories through his camera lens. He also enjoys cooking, reading, gaming, and skateboarding.    

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