Wavefront Windows Phone 8 workshops

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Commercialization centre Wavefront along with Microsoft Corp. will host a series of WaveGuide Code Camps for the new Windows Phone 8. Participants will need a PC running either Windows 8, Windows 7 or Windows Vista to participate in the hands-on coding workshop, Wavefront said. The first workshop will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Rostie Group in Toronto on Nov. 27. The second workshop will be at The Sheraton in Ottawa on Nov. 28. Two other sessions will then take place in Montreal on Nov. 29 and Vancouver on Dec. 3. Visit the website for more details.

Connection 2012

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The Ontario Association of Broadcasters (OAB) will host its Connection 2012 fall conference at the Westin Bristol Place Hotel in Toronto, Ont. The conference will feature panel sessions and speakers such as Paul Weyland, a branding, marketing and sales strategist, and Sean Ross, vice-president of music programming at Edison Research. Tom Pentefountas, the CRTC's vice-chair of broadcasting, will give a keynote address. Visit the website for more details.

Wireless Antenna Siting Forum

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The Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) will hold a wireless antenna siting forum at the Delta Halifax hotel. The one-day forum will look at how the wireless industry and the government can work together on efficient and effective protocols for wireless infrastructure installations. Visit the website for more details.

The Future of Digital Content France-Canada Summit

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The Embassy of France in Canada with the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) will hold an invitational summit for public- and private-sector decision-makers. The event will take place at the Fairmont Château Laurier hotel and will feature discussions about audio, audio-visual and interactive content. The event is "intended to create a dialog around developing strong content industries in the face of technological disruption," the ICTC said in a release. Visit the website for more details.


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The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), the organization that manages .CA, will host the ICANN global meeting on Internet governance. The event will feature various meetings and panel sessions, as well as a keynote address from Tony Clement, president of the Treasury Board, who will discuss the Government of Canada's efforts to promote digital openness and innovation through its Action Plan on Open Government. This event will take place at the Westin Harbour Castle hotel. Visit the website for more details.

The 2013 Canadian Telecom Summit

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The 2013 Canadian Telecom Summit will take place at the Toronto Congress Centre. The three-day event will bring more than 500 industry members, suppliers, policy makers, regulators, customers and competitors together in one location. Summit sessions will feature discussions focused on LTE: The future of mobile; Connecting Canadians: Delivering broadband to all, and Wireless Broadband: Our insatiable thirst for spectrum, among many others. Visit the website for more details.

PIAC Annual Dinner 2012

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The Public Interest Advocacy Centre's (PIAC) annual dinner will take place at Yangtze Restaurant, 700 Somerset St. This event will feature a keynote address by Jean-Pierre Blais, the new chairman of the CRTC.

2012 Canadian ISP Summit

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The Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) will hold its second annual Canadian ISP Summit at the Toronto Hilton. The event will feature keynote speeches, session presentations, tutorials, track sessions, and general session panels. Speakers will include Jonathan Daniels, vice-president regulatory law at Bell, and Dr. Michael Geist, the Canada research chair in Internet and e-commerce law at the University of Ottawa among others. Visit the website for more details.


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Canada's largest Android development conference, AndroidTO, will take place at Toronto's Scotiabank Theatre. The one-day event will feature speakers such as Kim Pimmel, the design lead for Adobe Systems Inc.'s user experience team, Matthew Patience, technical director of mobile at BNOTIONS, and software engineer, author, teacher and entrepreneur Faisal Abid, who will present "10 Things Every Android Developer Should Know," among several others. Visit the website for more details.

2012 International Federation of Actors World Congress

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The International Federation of Actors (FIA) will host 150 performers and representatives from 75 countries at the 2012 FIA World Congress. At the event, FIA said performers and representatives will come together to discuss topics such as ensuring decent working conditions for performers, unions uniting to protect performers' rights, and promoting equality as well as non-discrimination in the workplace.